I would classify myself as an experienced casual player, but I'm a total noob when it comes to map building. If it all works out well, I'll definitely share the map with you guys on here. I find it really exciting and can't wait to eventually start testing it, in fact, so far I'm enjoying map building almost as much as playing the darn game. I had a (hopefully) really good idea for a map and started building my first map. List of added features in Horn of the Abbys modification: Official /r/heroes3 team how to multiplayer HoMM 3 tutorial:
A lot of information on the game, so read this! Official 's HotA threadĪ's 'HotA section' (Polish fan portal) The One True Way to play Heroes of Might and Magic 3, is the 'Complete Edition'.
This is the Heroes of Might and Magic 3 subreddit.